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Harness the power of Automation
Integrate with over 5000 + apps


Supercharge your productivity with easy integration with over 3000 + apps you
And your team use on daily basis

No credit card, no commitment. Starter plan always free

Integrations with 5000+ tools with Zapier

iMeetify integrates with a variety of other apps to help you streamline
your workflow and make scheduling even easier.

Make a zap

+ Create zap

Create ZAP and connect imeetify
various 3rd party Apps



Appointment Confirmation

Triggers when Appointment is scheduled

Appointment Cancellation

Triggers when Appointment is cancelled

Event Registration Confirmation

Triggers when Registration is successful for an event

Event Registration Cancellation

Triggers when event registration is cancelled

How to integrate Zapier with imeetify

Zapier works with thousands of apps, but available triggers and actions vary by app.
To learn more about what’s possible with an app on Zapier,
search for the app in Zapier’s App Directory.

Login to your imeetify account, access integration and create API key
Access your Zapier account, Create a new ZAP
Select imeetify app from the list and select the app you would want to select
Select imeetify app from the list and select the app you would want to select
Select imeetify app from the list and select the app you would want to select

Set up your Trigger

The Zap editor is where you’ll create new Zaps and edit existing ones.
Remember: A trigger starts your Zap. (Think of it as the WHEN of any automation.)

Select your trigger app and event
When you open the Zap editor, you’ll be prompted to pick an app as your trigger.


Set up your Action

The action is the DO part of your automation. Actions are the events
you want your Zap to perform after your trigger occurs.
Without an action, you don’t have a complete Zap.

Select your trigger app and eventWhen you open the Zap editor, you’ll be prompted to pick an app as your trigger.
Select your action
Once you’ve selected your app, choose your action event—which is what you want your Zap to do—in the second dropdown menu. If you’re using a Zap template, your action app and event will be pre-filled.

Create Zap & Test it

After you’ve set up your action, it’s time to test your Zap. When you click Test & review,
Zapier will test your Zap by performing the action, according to how you’ve mapped
your fields in your action step.

Need more information on Zapier integration?

Zapier Help Center

Zapier’s Help Center has articles that explain how Zapier works, provide
information about the apps you use on Zapier, and offer solutions
for common issues that you may run into.

Zapier Community

Zapier’s global user Community allows you to connect with other Zapier users for
additional workflow ideas and app recommendations.

Zapier Support

You can reach out to Zapier Support via the contact form. This lets the support team
access technical information in your account to troubleshoot your problem.
You’ll receive an email response from a member of the support team regarding your issue